
The Global Quantitative Fund combines several Takahē strategies, including our original Systematic Trend and Spread Momentum programs, in a single portfolio.

This ensemble of uncorrelated, quantitative strategies is our best shot at the markets. Resilient and robust in design, we aim to be sizably positioned in different trends over time, generating a unique return stream which substantially exceeds the return on cash.

We take both long and short positions, and all trading signals derive from prices set on global exchanges.

The fund trades in single and spread markets. We also trade longer-dated futures contracts and alternative/smaller markets. Overall, the fund trades in more than 90 different markets around the world.

Key Features

  • A unique return stream created by implementing asymmetric trades which risk a little to potentially win a lot
  • Designed to capture price trends in single as well as spread markets
  • Trend-based, yet uncorrelated to other hedge funds
  • Trading an ensemble of independent systems, each with a clear rules-based design and purpose
  • Hunting outlier price moves in both tails of the return distribution
  • Broad exposure to trends by trading a wide range of markets and asset classes
  • Exposure to smaller/alternative futures markets and longer-dated contracts
  • Consistent and robust investment process which avoids unnecessary complexities

How to Invest

Eligible clients may invest in a Delaware or Cayman-domiciled fund. If you are interested, contact us.

Investor Documents

Please visit our Investor Area for further information.

Performance Update: 30 September 2024

Month to Date
Year to Date
Last 12 Months
Last 36 Months
Current Drawdown
Sharpe Ratio
Worst Drawdown
Worst Month
Best Month

The performance update data should be viewed in conjunction with our disclosure notes, which are an integral part of our performance reporting. The results shown in the table above refer to the performance of the Delaware-domiciled Takahē Global Quantitative Fund, Class A shares. Results may be based on estimates. All calculations are based on month-end data starting 31 October 2017. The value of your investment can and does fluctuate. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. 

Risk Notice


Nothing on this website should be construed as an offer, or as a solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell any investments, securities or other financial instruments in any jurisdiction.

The investment strategies or funds referred to on this website are offered solely on the basis of the representations expressly set forth in the relevant legal offering circulars, and no other information or representations may be relied upon. They are only available to professional, institutional and otherwise accredited or qualified investors.

Any performance information is not a measure of return to a single investor, is not necessarily based on audited financial statements, and is dated. The performance may have decreased since this website was last updated.

Please note that the investment strategies or funds referred to on this website involve a substantial degree of risk. Their performance may be volatile, which can lead to a partial or total loss of the invested capital.