Performance Disclosure


Takahē Global Quantitative Fund

Since and including 1 June 2023, the performance record shows the net returns of the Delaware-domiciled Takahē Global Quantitative Fund, Class A Shares.

The period 1 November 2022 to 31 May 2023, both dates included, shows the validated net performance of Moritz Seibert’s personal accounts, representing the combined net results of the Takahē Systematic Trend and Takahē Spread Momentum programs. Any performance record prior to 1 November 2022 shows the combined net returns of the Takahē Systematic Trend and Takahē Spread Momentum programs derived from personal accounts of Moritz Seibert at various brokers and these returns have not been validated. Both programs started trading on 31 October 2017.

All returns prior to 31 May 2023 are net of all commissions and trading costs. They are also net of 1.5% p.a. management fee and 20% incentive fee, both pro forma. The pro forma incentive fee was subject to a calendar quarter-end high water mark. Notional funds accrued 75% of the 3-month US Treasury Bill rate on the account’s notional net asset value, calculated and pro-rated daily. Any actual funds accrued the interest rates of the broker which cleared the account. Taxes were not considered.


Takahē Systematic Trend Program, Takahē Spread Momentum Program

Both programs started trading as proprietary, standalone investment strategies on 31 October 2017. They stopped trading as proprietary, standalone investment programs on 31 May 2023. Since 1 June 2023, both programs are traded as portfolio components and strategies inside the Takahē Global Quantitative Fund.

The period 1 November 2022 to 31 May 2023, both dates included, shows the validated net performance of Moritz Seibert’s personal accounts for the program in question. Any performance record prior to 1 November 2022 shows the net returns of personal accounts of Moritz Seibert at various brokers and these returns have not been validated.

All reported returns are net of commissions and trading costs. They are also net of 1.5% p.a. management fee and a 20% incentive fee, both pro forma. The pro forma incentive fee was subject to a high water mark and payable at the end of each calendar quarter. Notional funds accrued 75% of the 3-month US Treasury Bill rate on the account’s notional net asset value, calculated and pro-rated daily. Any actual funds accrued the interest rates of the broker which cleared the account. Taxes were not considered.

Risk Notice

Nothing on this website should be construed as an offer, or as a solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell any investments, securities, funds or other financial instruments in any jurisdiction.

The investment strategies or funds referred to on this website are offered solely on the basis of the representations expressly set forth in the relevant legal offering documents, and no other information or representations may be relied upon. They are exclusively available to professional clients and eligible counterparties as defined by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID).

Any performance information is not a measure of return to a single investor, is not necessarily based on audited financial statements, and is dated. The performance may have decreased since this website was last updated.

Please note that the investment strategies or funds referred to on this website involve a substantial degree of risk. Their performance may be very volatile, which can lead to a partial or total loss of the invested capital.